Friday, September 28, 2012


Late Pears
Fall is such a wonderful time to do new paintings.  The colors are some of my favorites.  The watercolor class on Tuesday that meets here in the studio has done some nice projects as well.  We started with the pear paintings using a cadmium red background.  This project was done with pasting collage papers on the watercolor paper first and then drawing and painting on the pears.  My next two of these paintings just made a nice set of three.  All three of them are currently at River Gallery in Independence.

Yea!  Finally the giraffe has been finished.  This is another new twist for me.  I glued the water color painting to a canvas, trimmed the sides and finished the surface with a water proof treatment.  So, no glass needed and there is a nice shine on him.  He is hanging in the studio being admired.

Two new young ladies have also been added this month. On one of them, I wanted to do an old fashioned look with a secret garden feeling.  So, the bench and the rose garden and the stuffed animal were included.  I grayed down all of the clothing and the trellis behind her.

Then there is December's Child.  Painting with red is always fun.

Larry has planted some artichokes in our rose bed.  Who knows why but they grew so well there that they reached the eaves on the house.  We never got around to eating them but they are fantastic to photograph and to paint after they get the purple hats on their heads.  This painting was also done with some very rough collage paper glued to the paper first.  This one is also at River Gallery.

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